• A Comprehensive Approach To Scale SMBs with Dynamics 365

    Scalability allows small and medium-sized businesses to efficiently manage costs. Instead of investing in new systems or infrastructure every time the business expands, scalable solutions enable incremental growth for SMBs without incurring excessive costs. Moreover, scalable systems such as Dynamics 365 offer SMBs the flexibility to allocate resources strategically. Whether it's technology, financial resources or personnel, scalability allows for a more agile and proactive response to evolving market conditions, ensuring that resources of SMBs are always aligned with business needs.

    From enabling data-driven decision-making to streamlining operations, Dynamics 365 empowers SMBs to efficiently and effectively scale. This helps in smoothly navigating the challenges of growth and scalability with confidence to set the stage for long-term success.

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  • Why Power Pages licensing changes are so significant!!

    Power pages went GA at Ignite, and amongst the slew of new features, one of the most significant is the new licensing model. The new model not only makes the product cheaper in most cases. It opens the door for new use cases with Power Pages.

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